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With CheapFlightNow, there is really no time wasted. We make it simple to find the best low-cost flight available. Be sure to consider buying your next airline ticket online for your next trip to Ashgabat. You’ll be surprised to discover how much you can save by booking online.
Ashgabat is also known as the "City of Love." It is a young city that is working on progress and development. Ashgabat offers several places of interest for all tourists. Some of these include marble palaces, gold domes and mosques. From once being a frontier of the Russian government, Ashgabat is booming in terms of tourism.
Ashgabat was ruined by an earthquake back in 1948 but managed to regain stability in the past years. Today, the city is visited by thousands of tourists coming from different parts of the world.
Traveling to Ashgabat is easy. The Ashgabat Airport, which is also known as the Saparmurat Turkmenbashy International Airport, is the largest airport in Turkmenistan. Because Ashgabat is the capital, it is the commercial and trade center of the country. Most of the main tourist attractions, shopping centers and other places of interest are located in Ashgabat.